We understand that in most organizations, the Sales Leader has become pivotal. They are driving the sales team, which is the company’s engine room.
And yet, according to recent research by the Sandler Research Center
43% of sales leaders do not receive effective training prior to taking up the role.
1 in 3 last 3 years or less in the role.
32% replied that the ongoing training they receive is “not effective” or “not very effective”
34% said that they are not effective or not very effective at coaching and only 12% believed that they are “very effective” yet this is THE most critical sales leadership skill
38% said that they are not effective or not very effective at recruitment/onboarding skills and only 6% felt that they are “very effective” (1 in 16)
The sales leader’s role has never been more critical. In our opinion the paucity of qualified, inspirational, experienced leaders, is one of the main reasons why sales achievement levels continue to plummet.
Conclusion: Most sales managers are not receiving the support and guidance they need.
What’s to be done?
We believe it is essential that sales leaders accept responsibility for their own development – “If it’s to be, it’s up to me” This is precisely why we have created this unique and exclusive location – our team of highly experienced experts are here to help.